
If you are interested in offering suggestions for future programming and meeting issues, please email me at  so I can add them to the agenda, and the ideas list.  Be on the lookout for a newsletter for details on upcoming ideas and discussions had at the officer’s meetings. Thanks, Mary Himes`

Meetings are normally scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month (may be subject to change), and held at the Scriba Municipal Building, 42 Creamery Road, at 6:30 PM (unless otherwise noted).

Schedule for 2024 Year:

October 8 – A “kitchen table chat” will be held to share and listen to your history and ideas as we move into the future.  Every story and idea is important to the preservation of life then and now.  To ignore history is to repeat it.  6:30 at the Municipal Building, Scriba.

Refreshments included


November 12 –

Edgar Allen Poe’s

The Telltale Heart

Adapted for the Magic Lantern. 

See slide show entertainment from the 1800’s.

Experience other spooky tales and comedy. 

Laugh and be scared.

You will never think of a slide show the same way again!

Presented by Todd and David MacLean

As always, we are looking for suggestions on programming and events we can accomplish as a group to further our efforts in sharing and preserving our local history. I will be posting a list of possibilities on our FB page and look forward to assessing what everyone wants to see/do.